Mousey Mick

Mousey Mick himself

Mousey Mick

What is Mousey Mick?

Mousey Mick is a 2D Platformer developed by Jackrifleman. In Mousey Mick, you run, jump, wall-jump, dodge and dash your way through wormhole doors. These doors allow people to travel to other nearby worlds within seconds. Each world introduces new challenges in one way or another; Whether it be precision jumps, or disgruntled knights of the Mayonnaise Kingdom. You may wonder why Mousey Mick is putting himself through such danger; the answer? Groceries. Mousey Mick is just trying to get some groceries, but he has a pretty lengthy commute seeing as the nearest thrift store is about 10 worlds away.

How to Play

Mousey Mick is available in two different ways, for Windows Desktop download for free, and for Browser, utilizing HTML5. Unfortunately, the Browser version is very buggy in ways I'm just unable to fix. There are many inconsistencies and strange visual glitches, but the game is still playable. I strongly recommend you play the Desktop version, not only is it far less likely to produce visual glitches, the game is consistent every time you run it, as well as running over 100 times better than its Browser counterpart (yes that number is accurate).

Mousey Mick's wife, Mousey Minne

Mousey Mick's wife, Mousey Minne